
I am a girl. I’m from India.

And as my nom de plume would suggest, I’m utterly clueless about a lot of things, both on the professional and personal front.

I love reading books. I watch way too many movies and TV shows than I have time for.

I also like to think of myself as a writer, but let’s be totally honest here. From the number of unfinished manuscripts in my laptop, it’s pretty obvious I’m a quitter.

I have no direction in my life and my mind often works in crazy, chaotic ways. And I’m tired of trying to decrypt it on my own!

And ergo, I created this blog. Writing in this blog, it’s like shouting into the wind. Totally liberating. I have no idea if anyone’s gonna be interested in reading the shit that goes through my head. Frankly, the only blogs I read fall in either of these two categories – the gossipy kind and the fangirly kind. But, hey, maybe you’re a little less vapid than me.

I have taken care not to include any details that would give away my identity. So, yeah, all the names in this blog are made up.

Finally, a word of warning: My thoughts can be a little X-rated at times. So, if you’re weak-hearted or prudish, read at your own peril.

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